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自由落体 Free Fall




作品灵感来自我进行机械装置创作 5 年以来与材料打交道的偶发瞬间。当直径、厚度和重量不等的垫片从螺杆顶端定时下落,它在带动螺杆轻微晃动的同时发出颇为响亮的、不同频率的声音,16 组垫片下落装置并置在一起,宛如形成了关于自由和落体的合奏。我将物理学的概念挪用至艺术现场,以“自由落体”命名作品,由此试图重新敞开物理科学的边界和刻板范式:在艺术语境中讨论科学意味着什么?何为自由落体?何为自由?



Dimension: 30cm×30cm×180cm (16 pieces totally)

Year: 2022

Material: Threaded rod, gasket, timing drop device

The work is inspired by episodic moments of working with materials in the five years I have been making mechanical installations. When the shims of different diameters, thicknesses and weights fall from the top of the screw at regular intervals, it makes a loud and different frequency sound while driving the screw to shake slightly. 16 sets of shims falling devices are juxtaposed together to form an ensemble about freedom and falling. By appropriating the concept of physics to the art scene and naming the work "Free Fall", I try to reopen the boundaries and stereotypes of physical science: what does it mean to discuss science in the context of art? What is free fall? What is freedom?

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